Suggested THESIS/DISSERTATION topics in Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI Topics

Suggested THESIS/DISSERTATION topics in Artificial Intelligence (AI)

  1. User Trust in AI Systems:
    • Research Topic: “Evaluating Factors Influencing User Trust in Financial AI Systems: A Study on Consumer Banking.”
    • This research could explore the specific elements that influence consumer trust in AI applications within the banking sector, such as algorithm transparency, user interface design, and accuracy of financial advice provided by AI.
  2. Ethical Perceptions of AI:
    • Research Topic: “Public Perception of Ethical Implications in AI-Driven Surveillance Systems.”
    • This study would aim to understand public attitudes towards the use of AI in surveillance, focusing on privacy concerns, the acceptance of surveillance for safety, and the ethical boundaries of AI in monitoring activities.
  3. Human-AI Interaction in Smart Environments:
    • Research Topic: “User Experience and Challenges with AI Integration in Smart Home Environments.”
    • The focus here would be on how users interact with AI technologies in smart homes, assessing aspects like ease of use, perceived efficiency in daily tasks, and challenges faced by different age groups in adapting to these technologies.
  4. AI in Education:
    • Research Topic: “Perceptions of AI-Assisted Personalised Learning in Higher Education: A Comparative Study.”
    • This research would examine how AI tools that offer personalised learning experiences are perceived by both students and educators in higher education, comparing these perceptions across various disciplines or educational institutions.
  5. AI and Healthcare Decision Making:
    • Research Topic: “Acceptance and Reliability of AI in Diagnostic Processes: Perspectives from Healthcare Professionals.”
    • This topic would investigate healthcare professionals’ views on the reliability and acceptance of AI in diagnostic processes, including how AI aids or challenges their clinical decision-making, and their opinions on AI’s accuracy compared to traditional methods.

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