In recent times, kidnapping has become a common phenomenon and gradually becoming a social menace in Ghana. There are various reasons why kidnapping takes place. These reasons include; rituals, human trafficking, prostitution, etc. As scary as it sounds, being kidnapped can be prevented to some extent. Below are some outlined kidnapping prevention tips.Â

- Self-Awareness
This refers to looking out for anything out of the ordinary. When walking, you should have a posture that communicates confidence, little aggression and a balanced movement. Also, do not receive already opened beverages, gums or even a handkerchief from a stranger (Vickers, 2018).
- Be familiar with your surroundings
No matter where you are, when you are not paying attention, you are much more vulnerable to an attack. So in a new environment, put your headphones in your bag, keep your phone away, and any other attention-seeking gadget and keep your eyes and ears open to what is around you (Kiefer, 2014).
- Make your whereabouts known
Riding in a stranger’s car puts you at a greater risk because you are now at his/her mercy. Before getting into a taxi or a rented car, check inside and around the car and ensure that the glasses are not tinted completely dark before you enter. Be constantly in touch with someone you trust, like your boss, colleague or a family member and always let others know where you are going.
- Vary your routine/ Find alternative routes
Learning to mix up your routes, timings, and locations is a very essential strategy of preventing kidnapping. Kidnappers who are a little bit organized lookout for patterns in your routine, which will help them in the execution of their plan (Sanders, 2017).
- Self-defense weapons
Aside from guns and pistols, some other weapons or gadgets can be effective in preventing kidnapping. For example, pepper sprays are very effective when it comes to incapacitating the attacker, as well as buying you some time to run away or call for help.
- Conclusion
In a nutshell, the main two ways of preventing kidnap is through avoidance and awareness. Be aware of the people around you so that at all times you can be proactive. Ensure that you do not put yourself in a compromising position that can make you easily
By Linguistnew (2019) Desktop research
Kiefer, E. (2014). Here’s Exactly What to Do If You Think You’re Being Kidnapped.Retrieved from
Vickers, A. (2018). 6 tips how to avoid being kidnapped. Retrieved from
Sanders, J. (2017). 10 Tips to Prevent Kidnapping. Retrieved from
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